Friday, January 18, 2013


I think I'm going to love school projects more than Charlotte, unless she happens to inherit my crafty desires. Afer discovering Pinterest last year, project ideas have been running around crazy here. Pinterest has been an awesome way to declutter the vast World Wide Web and condense thoughts and ideas into a tiny little space. I love it!

I'm not sure what the class plans are for Valentine's Day but I am almost certain that Charlotte will need to bring a Valentine for each student (19). This year she is taking bug Valentines because I figured the kids really don't need more sugar. As a parent, it's not fair to give them all the candy and then turn around and say, "You can't eat it!" So, I've been trying to cut back on the candy during holidays. It's not that she can't have any, but if she gets some, all she wants to eat is C-A-N-D-Y. She wakes up asking for it! Charlotte's in a bad habit of not eating dinner, no matter what it is, so she certainly doesn't get candy.

Anyways, the bug valentines...
I did have Charlotte write her name on each one so it's not like Mom did the entire project. She's getting good at it! Too bad it's such a long name...

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