Monday, September 20, 2010

the big girl bed

This weekend we finally set up Charlotte's big girl bed in her room. It looks so cute in there and has opened up a lot more room for kids and toys.

I knew she would like the bed from the start as we've had her jumping on beds and reading books in bed for quite awhile now. I didn't, however, think she would sleep in it, unaided, the first night! Charlotte woke up at 11:45 p.m. and refused to lay back down (I was not happy). In this situation I rock her but now with my belly and back, it gets to a point where I can't rock 25 pounds any longer. So, I sat on the bed with Charlotte and she crawled out of my arms and crawled under the covers of her new bed. "Ok," I thought. This can work. I laid down next to her and pretended to sleep. It took about 20 minutes, but she fell asleep and I snuck outta there. Charlotte slept the rest of the night in her big bed!

Maybe the transition I was hoping to make will go smoothly. Today I ordered a mesh rail for the side of the bed just in case she falls out. It's a short fall, so at least she wouldn't get hurt. (There's no frame for the bed.) I'm not sure if this will be a nightly thing, but it's a good start!

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