Sunday, November 30, 2008

Beginning Week 28

Baby’s brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week baby's brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. Baby should also be close to 2.5 pounds.

I have felt really great this past week. With Thanksgiving here, I was able to relax and really take some time off from the stressful things in life. My belly is expanding at what feels like inches every day. I am definitely pregnant to anybody who sees me.

Tomorrow, Kevin and I begin our childbirth class at the hospital. I am very excited to join other parents-to-be on this journey. The reality of this child is really beginning to settle with Kevin and me. Tonight, I even ordered some cloth diapers that I plan to begin using when baby arrives. On Friday, mom and I spent a good hour and a half at Babies 'R Us walking up and down each aisle looking at all the different goodies for baby. We even came home with a few things that will no doubt, soon be needed! My favorite find is this cuddly sleeping bag that fits in the baby carrier to keep baby snugly warm!

My next doctor's exam is this Wednesday and that's when we do glucose testing for gestational diabetes. I'll also receive my shot of Rhogam because I am Rh negative. This I will explain later in the week.

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