Sunday, March 3, 2013

truffala tree diy (lorax trees)

Charlotte gets to take a birthday treat to school tomorrow. Originally we were going to take rainbow cupcakes, but with Dr. Seuss' birthday tomorrow, her class is celebrating and Charlotte's teacher asked if we could bring a Dr. Seuss themed treat to school. Thus started my search on Pinterest for the perfect idea. I stumbled across a few great ideas and gave Charlotte the final pick. We decided to make Truffala Tree cupcakes from The Lorax movie and book. Original Pinterest idea and link is below.

Mine turned our pretty darn close. I think if I had fresh cotton candy the tuffs of the trees would have been better. First I called around to make sure I could get everything on hand. Michaels (craft store) had the paper straws for $2.79. I had to call candy stores to find cotton candy. After buying it I found out Michaels had it too. Since it's the middle of winter, no fresh cotton candy here. The stuff in the bag was all squished.
bagged cotton candy
I did have to use a dab of frosting on the straw to make the cotton candy stick. The green frosting is tinted homemade butter cream frosting. I used one of the larger star tips to make the textured grass since I don't have the grass tip.

The cotton candy disintegrates after a few hours so the trees need to be put together last minute. Trust me, I had to do the tree tips twice. Thank goodness for extra supplies!

truffala tree forest

Original Pinterest idea from Hank and Hunt.
link here

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