Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wellspring Farm

Yesterday was quite the adventure. I set out to attend my first activity as part of the Cedarburg MOMS Club. We were visiting a veggie farm with the kids and they had the opportunity to pet chickens too. I don't have a smart phone, so went I got lost in West Bend (the farm is in Newburg), I had no clue where I was and where I was supposed to go. 

Panicking that I'm already 30 minutes late, I finally got a hold of Kevin and work and he guided me 20 minutes East to Wellspring Farm. There was a nice crowd and Charlotte seemed to enjoy herself. She loved petting the chickens and found a 6 inch worm she wanted to bring home. I can't believe she even tasted the tops of fennel and a ground cherry.

My adventure led me to the realization that if I don't have a GPS, I really need to take my mom's iPhone in December when she upgrades. I'm really living in the dark ages.

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