Wednesday, June 1, 2011

growing off the charts

Gretchen is growing off the charts!! She was a trooper at the doctor's appointment when she had to get three major shots. I was more concerned about Charlotte getting upset that Gretchen was crying, but a bucket of stickers was enough to distract her. Gretchen was so sad afterwards and quite grouchy the rest of the day and all day today. Some kids just don't do well with the shots, I think her chunky leg is sore.

The charts: 26.25" long (98th percentile) and 15 lbs. 14.2 oz. (95th percentile). Her head is a good shape, it's not flat at all for those of you who are fooled by her bald spot on the back of her head. She's strong and is right on track. With the exception of a little grouchiness the last two days.

I've said it before, these girls better start dribbling a basketball...

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