Tuesday, February 10, 2009

doctor's visit: week 38

Today was another doctor's visit and boy was I glad to get in there. There is something reassuring about getting updates, especially this far along in the game. I found out that I am 50% effaced. How exciting! Finally, something is going on with Baby LaPean. I'm not dilated at all though...but in time. I see my doctor again next Tuesday.

As for my rash... she said I can still use the topical treatments. She thought it was PUPPPs (pregnancy rash) but it's not on my belly at all. I told her my nights are torture because my feet itch soooo bad. To remedy that, I can take one Benadryl so that I may sleep in peace. I'll have to check in with her on Friday and if it's not getting better, they will give me a low dose of oral steroid.

Other than the rash that's eating my feet, I am feeling good. Still getting bigger, it's hard to believe. Only two weeks to go. I just keep telling myself I can do this. It's easier than the 400M hurdles after doing 5 events!!

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