Wednesday, December 19, 2012

day 7

One week old. Our little Elsa is such a peach. She's in the room all day and sometimes we (I) forget that she's even here! Still a sleepy little newborn. Elsa hardly fusses and hardly cries. I truly think this is the little miracle we were asking for. A baby that's more Kevin than Erika.

Day 7
Our nights haven't been perfect but they do go without screaming and crying from this little one. She has a hard time falling asleep at night but is content to be held by mama. Afterall, she is only just barely a week old. I can't blame her for wanting to be held. Remember, you can't spoil a newborn!

The girls are doing great with her. Charlotte asks to hold her all the time. Both girls are awesome at fetching a diaper, wipes, or burp cloth. They are so eager to help and be big sisters. I really try to foster that and make them feel special about helping. With three girls in the house, I know it will be imporant to create a loving relationship from the start.

We have her baptism scheduled for February. I also took her to the doctor yesterday for a check-up. Elsa weighed in at 8 lbs. 1.4 oz (80%) and 90% for height. She's pretty perfect so says the physician. She's growing and eating wonderfully. She'll see the doc again after Christmas for her two week check-up.

In the meantime, keep on eye on the Flickr site for daily photos. I'm committing to a 35 day project of Elsa. One photo per day. You can view the photo set here.

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