Thursday, March 19, 2009

2 week doctor's visit

This afternoon Charlotte, Kevin and I had her 2 week doctor's check-up. Charlotte is healthy and growing big! She weighed in at 9 pounds 6 ounces (75th percentile) and was 21 3/4 inches long (90th percentile). We estimate she will be around 5'10" to 5'11". Yeah!! A tall girl-- she better be with all the good tall genes she received from both sides of our family.

The doctor also looked at her belly and opps...pulled off her umbilical cord stump. So, she is now a little more normal. Her bottom is good but getting a little diaper rash from the moistness of the diapers. I'm going to start using ointment and trying my best to keep her as dry as possible.

Otherwise, Charlotte is great! Still nice and strong. She is sleeping OK at night. Doctor said by about 2 months they sleep through the night (about 5-6 hours). I think that we are almost half way there. I'm managing to stay sane and get enough sleep.

She is so adorable though. I am enjoying the days home with her, just looking at her. I can't wait until she can interact a little too though. We also appreciate visitors and outings during the day to break things up. We have been walking outside with Griffin a lot. That helps to pass the hours in a day.

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