Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Talk

I'm certainly not ready for my girls to grow up. I'm not ready because I don't think I can handle 3 going on 13 and 13 going on 30. Just...not...ready. A fellow mom friend was telling me her 5-year-old already has a marriage proposal. She also has an attitude, as if she was 13. This, she informed me, is due to the kids at school who have older siblings. Thanks older siblings. But seriously, marriage at age five!?

While browsing my new favorite site, TED.com, I found this hilarious clip "The Talk" by Julia Sweeney. Really, I laughed out loud. It also reassured me of the task I'll have at hand someday. Charlotte is only two now, but soon she'll be three and then six and then 12...and.. you get the idea. I'm sure not ready now, but I'm hoping to get eased into it. After all, I don't want to be one of those ignorant moms. I need to stay ahead of the kids.

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